Marta Kaczmarek, Powroty – spotkanie poetycko-muzyczne
Pomysł spotkania poetycko muzycznego „Powroty” narodził się spontanicznie, wlaściwie z potrzeby chwili. Przypadkowe spotkanie, w trakcie którego postanowliśmy z Romanem Syrek, artystą muzykiem cenionym i uwielbianym przez publiczność w Melbourne, wesprzeć Jurka Krysiaka w zbiórce pieniędzy na pomoc w tresurze psów asystujących ludziom niewidomym w Gruzji.
Dołączyła do nas Alicja Syrek i tak oto nadarzyła sie okazja podzielenia się z Państwem, ja moją poezją i piosenkami a Alicja i Roman mistrzowskim, chwytajacym za serce wykonaniem i aranżacją utworów muzycznych. Dlaczego taki tytuł? Ponieważ powracaliśmy do naszych przeżyć, doświadczeń, obserwacji, tęsknoty i razem z Wami, w głębi serca powracaliśmy do Ojczyzny.
Nagranie pochodzi z jednego ze spotkań. Wykonane przez przyjaciół Michała Kempistego i udzielającego pomocy technicznej Pawła Ragana. Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy pomogli nam w realizacji spotkań.
Wystąpili: Marta Kaczmarek, Alicja Syrek, Roman Syrek
Wiersze, teksty i muzyka piosenek: Marta Kaczmarek
Skrzypce: Alicja Syrek
Akordeon, fortepian, puzon: Roman Syrek
Akompaniament i aranżacje: Roman Syrek, Alicja Syrek
Dźwięk: Paweł Ragan
Światło, kamera, montaż: Michał Kempisty
Pomoc w realizacji: Małgorzata i Jerzy Krysiak, Paweł Ragan
Marta Kaczmarek, Powroty – spotkanie poetycko-muzyczne.
POWROTY / MEMORIES – a journey through poetry and music
Directed by Marta KaczmarekThe concept of this poetic and musical performance, Powroty/Memories, was born during a chance meeting between Marta Kaczmarek, Roman Syrek, a much loved and esteemed Melbourne based artist and musician, Alicija Syrek and Jurek Krysiak during a fundraiser that supported the training of guide dogs for the blind in Georgia.
This was an opportunity for Marta to share her poetry and songs and for Alicja and Roman to “share” their masterful, heart-warming performances and arrangements of musical pieces.
The title was inspired by their personal experiences, life observations and longings of returning to their “homeland” which always is present in their hearts.
The recording came from one of their performances and was prepared by their friend, Michal Kempisty along with technical assistance by Pawel Ragan. Marta, Roman and Alicja would like to thank all the people that have assisted them with their performance.
Marta Kaczmarek is an award winning Australian artist. Her work is always welcomed with strong reviews. Born in Krasnystaw in Poland, she graduated from the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Krakow. In 1982 Marta immigrated to Perth WA. In 2007 following her daughter Kasia, an actor herself, Marta moved to Melbourne. She can be seen in theatre as well as on screen and is currently working on TV productions of Superwog and Jack Irish.
Roman Syrek is a well renowned and extremely versatile musician who has been entertaining the Melbourne Polish Community for many years. He plays several instruments, specialising in the piano, accordion and trombone. He also arranges and teaches music.
Roman was born in the Podkarpacie region of south western Poland in 1952, and completed his musical studies in Katowice, where he gained fame as a jazz trombone player in the High Society Band. He played for the Polish Radio and Television Orchestra in Warsaw, and for many well renowned bands in Poland. Living in Australia since 1992, Syrek plays with several local bands, teaches music to the young and has been the Musical Director of countless Polish Community events and concerts. He is the head of the Syrek Family Ensemble, along with his children Ania, Alicja and Jasio, they stir the hearts of the Victorian Polish Community through their many performances.