“Tribute to Stasiek Wielanek” by Vis-a-Vis Cabaret
The cabaret group Vis-a-Vis was established at the beginning of the year 2011, but the idea of starting a group already came into existence four years earlier in 2008. The main purpose of starting such a group by the founder – Jolanta Komincz – was to present the famous Cabaret of Elderly Gentlemen in her adapted version, based on the most interesting fragments of texts picked from different episodes and entwined with humorous and witty songs.
The cast has been going through changes for a couple of years and finally in the year 2011 the group’s efforts took off. The cabaret group Vis-a-Vis has always consisted of amateurs and professional musicians. The current list of actors includes: the founder – Jolanta Komincz, Jolanta Mazurek, Bożena Szymańska, Hanna Wiwatowska, Bogumił Drozdowski, Darek Plust and Pawel Siembab.
Vis-a-Vis gave its first public performance in December 2011 in Darling Harbour, Sydney, at the Polish Christmas Festival. It was a very successful show which resulted in more plans presented at the beginning of the next year 2012. On the 11 March 2012 the group performed Function at the Butelczyńscy in the Polish Club in Ashfield. The audience welcomed the performance with enthusiasm and ovation. It was a wonderful success. In the following years the group performed in other cities of Australia, participating in Pol-Art events in Melbourne, Canberra, Perth and Brisbane – presenting spectacles that were a total success.
Apart from The Cabaret of the Elderly Gentlemen, Function at the Butelczynscy the group presented Variations on the Three Cabarets and…, which was a combination of the pieces from the most popular Polish cabarets of 1950-1970, Sex Is Healthy If I Remember Well, including cabaret items from 1980-1990, and, in addition, Tribute to Stasiek Wielanek, a concert of songs from the most famous bard of Warsaw. The last concert also included dances performed by a folkloric dance group Lajkonik from Sydney.
The cabaret group Vis-a-Vis presents Tribute to Stasiek Wielanek, a concert of songs from the most famous bard of Warsaw.
Vis a Vis – Jolanta Komincz, Bożena Szymańska and Wiesław Rogoliński and the Lajkonik dance group led by Urszula Lang.