POLONEZ – Song & Dance Ensemble, Melbourne AUS
The POLONEZ Song & Dance Ensemble was formed in 1965 to practice and promote Polish song and dance. With this aim it has performed widely and intensively not only in Victoria and Australia, but also in Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. It has attended all 14 Polish national festivals in Australia (PolArt), and three international festivals of Polish dance groups, held in Rzeszów, Poland.
With Junior, Intermediate and Senior dance sections, as well as a folk band and female singing group, POLONEZ has always been a family orientated ensemble based very strongly in the core of Polish community life, from which it gains its strength and extensive support.
This year we celebrate our 55th Anniversary, and present a small virtual memento of:
our LP, (1971)
our concerts:
We hope to be able to meet up in person next year.
In the meantime, please stay in touch with us, on:
Our website:
Or, our Facebook page,
Thank you for visiting us!