Polish National Song and Dance Ensemble “Śląsk” – Dance workshop: Learn to dance “Trojak”
Polish National Song and Dance Ensemble “Śląsk” would like to invite you to their dance workshop. At this year’s Virtual Polish Festival, “Śląsk” will teach you how to dance some of the steps found in the well-known “Trojak” dance (“Trojak”, meaning 3 people). “Trojak” is a well-known dance from Upper Silesia. It is performed by three people – 1 male and 2 female dancers.
In Poland, “Śląsk” also run some wonderful and highly educational folk and modern dance, vocal and music workshops and masterclasses at their home base in Koszęcin. The classes are designed for children and adults, amateurs to professionals.
What are you waiting for!!!! get your dancing shoes on and let’s dance……
Main photo: I. Dorożański